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EPI Lucija, oktober 2019

Girls day / Dan za dekleta

For this day, we gave the girls an invitation and asked them to bring their favorite make up and some snacks. The girls arrived early and were playing games while we were preparing the breakfast. We had decorated the rooms and set up the table. For breakfast we had scones and pancakes with nutella. Afterwards the girls were doing each others hair, nails and make-up. There was such a nice atmosphere in the room. All the girls were talking to each other, laughing and having fun. Of course we put One Direction on and were singing together. Time was flying and before we knew it it was time for lunch. We had pizza toasts and the girls decided that they wanted to watch Twilight 1 in the afternoon. While Bella was falling in love with Edward we tried to make cake pops to give to the girls as a goodbye gift. This didn’t work and we left it for Magic day. The day flew by and the girls didn’t want to leave after the movie. 

Prvi dan počitnic smo v lucijskem EPIju namenili izključno dekletom. Skupaj smo jedle zajtrk in kosilo, vmes smo se naličile, uredile frizure in nohte ter se predvsem zabavale. Vzdušje je bilo res sproščeno in dekleta so uživala.

“I loved it. Doing make up and nails with the rest of the girls and listening music together without the boys. And the food mostly.”


“It was the best. Doing make up art was great and the snacks too.”


Bilo je lepo, šminkale smo se, barvale lase, delale frizure in vse možno. Želela bi si da bi to ponovile vsak teden.

Erika A.

“Med počitnicami je bilo ful dobro. Boljše zabave ni bilo nikjer drugje.”


Magic day

During this day some of the kids were playing Magic and the rest was playing games and watching a movie. We finished making the cake pops and they were delicious. We also continued decorating the Epicenter for Halloween night. The girls carved a pumpkin and made bats. At the end of the day we were ready for Halloween!

Drugi dan počitnic smo namenili igranju igre Magic the Gathering in pripravam na Noč čarovnic. Naredili smo “cake-pops”, izrezovali buče in netopirje iz papirja ter okraševali EPI.

Bilo je zabavno, veliko smo se smejali. Predlagam, da se naslednjič našemimo in gremo skupaj na sprehod po Luciji in povabimo v Epicenter tudi čimveč drugih otrok.


Halloween night

Halloween at the Epicenter was scary and fun. The whole Epicenter was decorated and we had the two carved pumpkins outside. We even had a real fortune teller with us. Most of the kids came dressed up. All the kids were helping each other to look as scary as possible with make up and fake blood. We also had different scary snacks on the table. As the night went on the kids were eating and running around. There was such a nice atmosphere in the air. There were also kids outside of the Epicenter that came to the Halloween night. It was a night full of screaming and laughing. We ended the night by watching the scariest movie, Dirty Dancing (best movie!).

Za noč čarovnic se je EPI spremenil v hišo strahov. Izrezane buče so zasijale v vsej svoji grozoti, skupaj z vedeževalko smo pogledali v prihodnost in se pogovarjali z duhovi, poskrbeli smo za dogodku primerne poslikave obraza in se glasno zabavali.

“I really liked the Halloween night. Everything was nice!” 


Prispevek pripravila: Lyasmin, ESC prostovoljka

Galerija: Jesenske počitnice 2019 v EPI Lucija