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Vsako sredo poteka v EPI-ju “science club”, kjer naša prostovoljka Lyasmin skupaj z mladimi izvaja zabavne eksperimente.

V času, ko je EPI zaprt je pripravila spodnja navodila po katerih lahko eksperimente izvedete sami doma.

Vsako sredo pa bo na našem Instagram profilu objavljala tudi kratke video posnetke posameznih eksperimentov. Prvi bo na sporedu v sredo, 15. aprila.

As a volunteer at the Mladinski EPI center Piran I had the opportunity to organize activities for the kids. I chose to have a weekly Science club as that was my field of work back home. Every Wednesday at 3 pm I carried out small experiments with the kids. It is really fun and sometimes difficult to try and teach them something. A few experiments failed but there were also some that the kids really loved. I listed three of them that you can also try at home if you are interested.

Making your own butter

Needed: Smetana za stepanje (Mercator brand works best) and an empty jar.

Experiment: Fill the jar with 1/3 of the cream. Close the lid and shake now with force for approximately 15 min. The cream will first thicken up before forming a solid mass. This is the butter and the leftover liquid can be discarded. You can add a bit of salt to taste if you like. The butter can be stored in the fridge for up to three days. Dober tek!

Science: The cream contains a lot of fat. When shaking the cream, these fat molecules will adhere together and start to separate from the liquid. The more you shake the more fat molecules will stick together forming the butter. The liquid that is left over is the buttermilk.

Creating a lava lamp

Needed: A big glass (or a bottle), water, sunflower oil, food colouring and a vitamin C effervescent tablet.

Experiment: Fill the glass 1/3 with water. Add a few drops of the food colouring and mix. Add 1/3 of oil in the glass. Divide the tablet in two pieces and drop one in the glass. And now you can see the magic happening J.

Science: Water and oil don’t mix. Water is also more dense that the oil. When adding the oil to the glass, the water sinks to the bottom and the oil floats to the top. The vitamin C tablet reacts with the water to make carbon dioxide gas. These gas bubbles attach to the coloured water and float to the top. When the bubbles pop, the colour sinks back to the bottom.

Cornstarch experiment

Needed: Cornstarch (Jedilni koruzni skrob Gussnel, Dolcela), water and a tray.

Experiment: Add two cups cornstarch in the tray. Stir while you slowly add one cup of water. The consistency should be of a thick pancake batter. You can now play with the mixture. You can try grabbing or putting force on the mixture and see what happens. Have fun!

Science: When you punch the cornstarch/water mixture it turns solid. This happens because the water gets trapped in the molecules of the starch, thus making the solution firm.

Eksperimente je pripravila Lyasmin Boukich, ESE prostovoljka v Mladinskem EPI centru Piran.