Every time that I have to bring an end to a
specific phase of my life I end up with a bittersweet feeling. On the one hand,
I am excited about the next step, the new beginning.…
How can one summarize ten months of
volunteering in one single post? The answer is that you can’t. In spite of
this, in this post I wanted to focus on some of the things that I have…
When you say that you are going to live for almost one year in Slovenia,
everyone back home sees this as an opportunity to set foot on a country they never
thought of visiting before.
Vabljeni na fotografsko razstavo Monologi Španke!
Slovenija je ena tistih držav, v katerih je najbolje uživati s skodelico kave v roki. Polna zgodovine, narave, pogovorov in miru. Veliko miru. Zato vas vabim, da se s…
Nella vita di ogni persona ci sono momenti
difficili da superare e da lasciarsi alle spalle. Errare è umano perseverare è
diabolico. Io possiedo questo superpotere completamente inutile…
One of the goals that I had in mind when I came
to Slovenia was to travel as much as possible. Piran struck me as a good place
for travelling because it is so close to both…
An average day in my
life in Slovenia looks more or less like this:
Normally I wake up two or three hours before
work, so I have time for myself in the morning and I can get…
Part 2: you
get used to anything in time
Ana, my new
flatmate/co-worker/friend, was waiting for me at the entrance door and helped
me to carry my bags upstairs. Apparently to the fifth (!) floor, without an
elevator, which…
Part 1: uncomfortable,
yet determined.
It was the 6th of August I was meeting with my friend for a little walk. It had been some weeks since the last time I saw her, but as always,…