European Solidarity Corps in Mladinski EPI center Piran – description of volunteering project

We are looking for motivated young people that would like to work with youth and children, and would like to help in creating the daily programme of our youth center (leading a language club, socializing with youth, playing sports and board games, helping kids with their homework, planning smaller events, promoting Erasmus + & ESC projects, taking photos, publishing updates on Facebook and Instagram …).
Where? | Piran & Lucija, Slovenia |
When? | 1st of October 2023 – 31st of August 2024 (11 months) |
Who? | 3 volunteers (18 – 30 years old, from any EU country) |
What is the profile of volunteers that we are looking for?
- “Youth worker” (2 volunteers), working directly with kids and youth on a daily basis.
- “Social media manager” (1 volunteer), creating content for our website and social media (fotos, videos, graphics …) and helping us give visibility to our work.
What are the activities and tasks of the volunteers?

Playing with and talking to the kids / youth that visit the youth center on a daily basis.
- Take initiative to talk with the kids/youth.
- Listen to their stories, troubles …
- Talk to them about volunteering (ESC).
- Invite them to play board games, cards (that you can find in our youth center) or teach them typical games you play in your country (you can bring some with you).

Preparing a language club for young people in your own language or other language (non-formal learning of foreign language).
We are looking for volunteers that will teach their own language to kids or youth in our language clubs (German, Italian and English – or others). Language club is a place where participants learn the basics of the language (vocabulary, useful phrases) in a relaxed and informal way and, above all, they get to know the culture of a certain country.
Youth workers will provide volunteers with assistance and support in the preparation and implementation of the language club to the extent necessary. We will provide the necessary material and help with everything else that the volunteer would need.
- Taking part in short training about teaching.
- Making a plan for topics you want to teach (with your mentor).
- Preparing topics and materials for each session.
- Finding games and other activities.
- Carrying out the language club (implementing the lessons, games and activities).
- Help kids with school homework.
- Help kids to study for school exams.

Writing & taking photos for our website, Instagram, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Writing & taking photos and videos for our website, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Youtube.
- Manage our instagram profile (make posts, stories, TikTok…).
- Create graphics to post them.
- Write a blog about your experience here (or share it in another way eg. podcast, video, article for local jurnal…).
- Take photos and videos to post.
Writing & taking photos for our website, Instagram, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Running different free time, creative, educational workshops. Help with planning, organizing and implementing bigger events for kids, youth and the general public (concerts, youth exchanges, film nights, public municipal events …)*.
Raising awareness among young people about the possibilities of the Erasmus / ESC program.
- Planning, organizing and carrying out workshops/events.
- Help with preparing promotional materials.
- Help with preparing the event place.
- Taking photos for our website, Instagram, Facebook and other social networking sites.
- Making posts for Instagram and Facebook.
*Sometimes these events happen during weekends.

For the short holidays during the school year and during the summer holidays, we organize a vacation program for younger children of primary schools in the Municipality of Piran.
The program is organized from 7.30 am to 4 pm. We provided the children with three meals (breakfast, lunch and a snack). In the mornings we do sports at a nearby stadium, walk around the surrounding town ecc. After lunch, children enjoy creative workshops, social and other games. Sometimes we go on a day trip to a different city.
- Animating the kids (play games, prepare some workshops ecc.)
- Create a secure environment (eg. when going for a walk with the whole group, take care of the safety)
- Prevent or resolve conflict between kids.
Developing a personal project. You will learn more about the Personal Project once you arrive, but basically it can be anything that you are interested in, and it can be related to your work in the youth center or not.
You will have the opportunity to follow a Slovenian language course and learn the basics of our language. The lessons will be adapted to your work schedule.
In addition to helping with the everyday activities of the youth center, the volunteer will be able to participate in all the activities held at the youth center that will suit his or her wishes and needs (e.g. theater/music/art workshops). For the implementation of individual activities, the volunteers will be provided with training and help from the staff and local volunteers.
What do we expect from our volunteers?
- flexible – work in a youth center can be unpredictable, new kids come, new projects arise … and we need to be able to adapt to the changing circumstances,
- open to learn and curious – you don’t need to know everything, you just need to be open to learn new things and don’t be afraid to ask questions when you don’t know how to do something,
- proactive – we like people that observe the situation and see what needs to be done and do it and don’t be afraid to propose new activities and implement them,
- patient – working with kids and youth is sometimes very challenging and it can happen that things don’t always go as planned or that some kids are just annoying but still need your help.
Working days will be from Monday to Friday, for around 7 hours per day, depending on the program of the youth center. Normally between 10 am and 8 pm. In the summer usually between 9 am and 4 pm. Evenings and weekends will mostly be free.
When, where and how?
The project will start on the 1st of October 2023 and will last for 11 months (until 31st of August 2024).
The volunteer or the host organisation can finish the project early if it doesn’t work out or if the volunteer wishes to end the project because of personal reasons.
You will be volunteering in our youth center for 35 hours per week (7 hours a day). We have two locations, at the beginning you will work in both, later on you can choose one or the other (or continue working in both).
You get 2 days off every month, meaning you have 24 days off for the whole project (12 months).
You will be living in an apartment close to work, that you will share with other volunteers like yourself. There are two bedrooms, one bathroom, one toilet, one kitchen, balcony and living room.
You will receive a monthly bus transport card and 6,5 €/day for food and 4 €/day of pocket money. All volunteers also get Henner health insurance.
About the organization
Mladinski EPI center Piran (part of Športni in mladinski center Piran) is a youth center, established by the municipality of Piran in 2001. The center operates in two locations in the slovenian coast – in Piran and in Lucija.
The youth center aims to provide young people living or going to school in the Municipality of Piran with the following:
- a safe place where they can spend their free time
- organized extracurricular activities (theater, language clubs, arts etc.)
- support and guidance
- help with homework and studying
- international youth exchanges
- volunteering opportunities
- career orientation activities and more.
Both youth centers are open from Monday to Friday in the afternoon (except on public holidays). During the summer (and other school holidays), we organize activities for children aged 6 to 10 years old in the form of a «day camp».
The youth that we usually work with are between 9 and 19 years old, but with different activities and projects we try to involve all young people up to the age of 29. The staff consists of 5 youth workers and some volunteers.
To learn more about our organization check out our Instagram (@mladinskiepicenterpiran), Facebook and YouTube or browse our website (

If you are interested in our project please fill out the application form here:
Corpo europeo di solidarietà nel EPI centro giovanile di Pirano – Descrizione del progetto di volontariato
EPI centro giovanile di Pirano (parte di Centro sportivo e giovanile di Pirano) è un centro giovanile, istituito dal comune di Pirano. Il centro opera in due località sulla costa slovena: a Pirano e a Lucija.
Il centro giovanile fornisce ai giovani che vivono o vanno a scuola nel Comune di
Pirano le seguenti attività:
- un luogo sicuro dove trascorrere il tempo libero
- attività extrascolastiche organizzate (teatro, club linguistici, arti ecc.)
- supporto e guida
- aiuto con i compiti e lo studio
- scambi internazionali giovanili
- opportunità di volontariato
- attività di orientamento professionale e altro
Entrambi i centri giovanili sono aperti dal lunedì al venerdì nel pomeriggio (esclusi i giorni festivi).
Durante l’estate (e altre vacanze scolastiche), organizziamo attività per bambini dai 6 ai 10 anni sotto forma di «programma di centro estivo – vacanze per bambini».
I giovani con cui lavoriamo hanno tra i 9 e i 19 anni, ma con attività e progetti differenti cerchiamo di coinvolgere tutti i giovani fino ai 29 anni. Lo staff è composto da 5 operatori giovanili e alcuni volontari.
Profilo del volontario
Cerchiamo giovani motivati che vorrebbero lavorare con giovani e bambini (dai 7 ai 29 anni), e aiuteranno nella creazione del programma quotidiano del nostro centro giovanile (socializzare con gli utenti, giocare a sport e giochi da tavolo, aiutare i bambini con i compiti, dirigere un club linguistico, pianificare eventi più piccoli, promuovere progetti Erasmus + e CES, scattare foto, pubblicare aggiornamenti su Facebook e Instagram …).
I fan di Magic the gathering o dei giochi da tavolo in generale e tutti gli sport che possono essere praticati nel nostro giardino sono particolarmente invitati a candidarsi (stiamo cercando di allontanare i bambini dai giochi per computer e dai loro smartphone e incoraggiarli a trascorrere il loro tempo libero in un modo più sano) 😉
Descrizione delle attività e dei compiti dei volontari
I giorni lavorativi saranno dal lunedì al venerdì, per circa 7 ore al giorno tra 10.00 e 20.00. In estate di solito tra le 9:00 e le 16:00. I fine settimana di solito saranno liberi.
Alcuni compiti e attività:
- Assistenza nelle attività quotidiane del centro giovanile.
- Preparare un club linguistico per giovani nella propria lingua o in un’altra lingua (apprendimento non formale della lingua straniera).
- Scrivere e scattare foto per il sito Web, Instagram, Facebook e altri siti di social networking.
- Esecuzione di laboratori di tempo libero, creativi e educativi.
- Giocare e parlare con i bambini.
- Crescere consapevolezza sulle possibilità del programma Erasmus / CES ai giovani.
- Sviluppare un progetto personale.
- Avrai l’opportunità di seguire un corso di lingua sloveno online
Oltre ad aiutare con le attività quotidiane del centro giovanile, il volontario potrà partecipare a tutte le attività svolte presso il centro giovanile che si adattano ai suoi desideri e bisogni (ad es. Laboratori di teatro / musica / arte). Per l’implementazione delle attività individuali, il volontario riceverà formazione e aiuto da parte del personale e dei volontari locali.
Formazione e tutoraggio
I volontari del Corpo europeo di solidarietà avranno il supporto di un coordinatore (qualcuno nell’organizzazione ospitante) e un mentore (un amico con cui parlare al di fuori dell’organizzazione ospitante) e prenderanno parte a un corso di formazione all’arrivo e di medio termine organizzato dall’Agenzia nazionale (MOVIT).
Alloggio, trasporto, cibo ecc.
Ai volontari verrà fornito un alloggio in un appartamento condiviso a Lucija, un abbonamento mensile per l’autobus, soldi per il cibo 6,5 € al giorno e paghetta 4 € al giorno. Tutti i volontari sono inoltre iscritti all’assicurazione sanitaria Henner e ottengono il rimborso delle spese di viaggio.
Per saperne di più sulla nostra organizzazione, controlla il nostro sito Instagram (@mladinskiepicenterpiran) e Facebook o naviga nel nostro sito web (
Maggiori informazioni sul programma: