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Med 27. 4. in 3. 5. 2024 je na Šentjanah nad Piranom potekala Erasmus+ mladinska izmenjava »Kako ustaviti medvrstniško nasilje«. Izmenjavo smo organizirali v sodelovanju s švedsko organizacijo Awesome people in romunsko Un strop de ferecire. Sodelovalo je po 8 mladih iz vsake države (Slovenija, Švedska, Romunija), starih med 13 in 17 let, ter sedem mladinskih delavcev.  Skozi različne izobraževalne vsebine so se seznanili z medvrstniškim nasiljem, vzroki zanj ter različnimi zornimi koti tematike skozi oči žrtve, nasilneža in opazovalcev. Po ekipah so ustvarili ozaveščevalne grafike in videe za različne spletne platforme, ki jih bomo delili na instagram profilu, ki je nastal med izmenjavo – @howtostopbullying2024.

Povezava do instagram profila: .

Povezava do Airtable plana kampanje: )

Spletna kampanja, ki so jo ustvarili, bo potekala v mesecu maju, saj so ZN 4. maj razglasili za dan proti ustrahovanju (medvrstniškem nasilju).

Mladinska izmenjava je bila sofinancirana s strani Evropske Unije.

„Financirala Evropska unija. Vendar so izražena stališča in mnenja zgolj stališča in mnenja avtorja(-ev) in ne odražajo nujno stališč in mnenj Evropske unije ali Nacionalne agencije. Zanje ne moreta biti odgovorna niti Evropska unija niti organ, ki dodeli sredstva.“

Between 27th April and 2nd of May 2024, the Erasmus+ youth exchange “How to stop bullying” took place in Šentjane, Piran (Slovenia). We organised the exchange in cooperation with the Swedish organisation Awesome people and the Romanian Un strop de ferecire. Eight young people from each country (Slovenia, Sweden, Romania) participated, aged between 13 and 17, and seven youth workers. Through various educational content, they learned about peer violence, its causes, and different perspectives on the topic through the eyes of the victim, the bully, and observers. In teams, they created awareness graphics and videos for various online platforms, which we will share on the instagram profile created during the exchange – @howtostopbullying2024.

Link to Instagram profile: .

Link to Airtable campaign plan: erts )

The online campaign they created will take place in the month of May, as the UN has declared May 4 as the day against bullying (peer violence).

The youth exchange was co-financed by the European Union.

“Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor the body that allocates the funds can be held responsible for them.”