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Naši prostovoljki Charlotte in Ilse sta pripravili seznam aktivnosti, ki se jih lahko lotite, medtem ko je naše gibanje in druženje omejeno.

Prispevek sta zapisali z mislijo na prostovoljce, ki bi se lahko v podobni situaciji znašli v prihodnosti, vsekakor pa so namigi uporabni tudi za vse nas tukaj in zdaj.

Vabljeni k branju.

Lockdown-life as a volunteer

Suggestions on what to do 

  • Go to Piran at sunset to take some pictures (especially from the cathedral you have an amazing view)
  • Movie night (you can do this online through Teleparty) Instructions: every participant has to download Teleparty ( on their computer. As soon as everyone has done that, the host sends a link of the group the host has created et voilà! Everyone can join and chat in the chat. Now you’re watching a movie or series at the same time. Easy right?

  • Cook typical meals from your own country for your flatmates. Charlotte made a typical meal (Dampfnudeln – basically sweet dumblings) from Germany and Ilse a typical one (Stamppot) from The Netherlands. Dampfnudeln recipe 
  • Online games: Skribble, Spy game, among us, werewolf online, Psych!, …
  • Schedule phone calls with your friends and family at home so you don´t get homesick
  • Try to get some fresh air everyday (go for walks, runs, bike rides,…) 

Some suggestions for outdoor activities aroud Lucija: 

  • go for a run at the seaside
  • Or on on Seča hill (aka a shorter version of the Seca walk  – just start at your flat and then go straight back home when you get back to the health center – it’s around 6.5km)
  • bike to Piran (10km) or the Croatian border (16km)
  • Do a work-out in nature, in the hills or next to the sea

  • Use the time to learn Slovenian (at least try) – we are having slovenian lessons with Somin and Lada at the moment and it’s really helpful!
  • Try to cook meals that don’t exist yet (get creative lol – or try to use up all your left-overs)