Prejšnji teden je naša gledališka skupina kEPIca nastopila v Gledališču Tartini z igro Hop v Pravljico. Nastopili so dvakrat, prvič za starše in ostale obiskovalce, drugič pa za osnovnošolce. Predstavo so si ogledali učenci OŠ…
Nella vita di ogni persona ci sono momenti
difficili da superare e da lasciarsi alle spalle. Errare è umano perseverare è
diabolico. Io possiedo questo superpotere completamente inutile…
One of the goals that I had in mind when I came
to Slovenia was to travel as much as possible. Piran struck me as a good place
for travelling because it is so close to both…
Na dvodnevni
delavnici, ki je potekala 17. in 18. marca 2022 v Mladinskem EPI centru Piran,
so mladi podrobneje spoznali 11 evropskih ciljev mladih, ki so del Strategije Evropske
unije za mlade 2019-2027. Ti cilji opredeljujejo medsektorska področja,…
An average day in my
life in Slovenia looks more or less like this:
Normally I wake up two or three hours before
work, so I have time for myself in the morning and I can get…
Part 2: you
get used to anything in time
Ana, my new
flatmate/co-worker/friend, was waiting for me at the entrance door and helped
me to carry my bags upstairs. Apparently to the fifth (!) floor, without an
elevator, which…
Part 1: uncomfortable,
yet determined.
It was the 6th of August I was meeting with my friend for a little walk. It had been some weeks since the last time I saw her, but as always,…
Modna industrija je ena največjih onesnaževalk okolja.
Za izdelavo ene majice je potrebno 3000 litrov vode. Toliko običajno popije odrasel človek v obdobju treh let. V povprečju odrasla oseba na leto zavrže do 31…
Welcome to
the second chapter of my life in Slovenia.
We are three volunteers in EPI Center: Carlijn, from
the Netherlands; Ana, from Spain and myself, from Spain too. We share a flat in
Lucija and we have…