Part 1: uncomfortable,
yet determined.
It was the 6th of August I was meeting with my friend for a little walk. It had been some weeks since the last time I saw her, but as always,…
Modna industrija je ena največjih onesnaževalk okolja.
Za izdelavo ene majice je potrebno 3000 litrov vode. Toliko običajno popije odrasel človek v obdobju treh let. V povprečju odrasla oseba na leto zavrže do 31…
Welcome to
the second chapter of my life in Slovenia.
We are three volunteers in EPI Center: Carlijn, from
the Netherlands; Ana, from Spain and myself, from Spain too. We share a flat in
Lucija and we have…
Dober dan! My name is Irene Marijuan and I am a volunteer in Slovenia, in Mladinski EPI center Piran.
So, how does one end up doing a
voluntering project in Slovenia?
Actually, it was kind of…
Letos v Mladinskem EPI centru Piran gostimo 2 prostovoljki iz Španije, ki bosta pri nas vodili španski jezikovni klub. Klub bo potekal vsak četrtek od 17.00 do 18.00 v EPI centru v Luciji, Fazanska 1. …
Chapter 5: Charlotte´s introduction to dutch culture
On the 27th of April, the dutch people celebrate King's Day (Koningsdag). The day marks the birthday of current King Willem-Alexander and it is usually celebrated by…
Chapter 4: First travels
Hello and welcome to a new chapter!
As the covid situation started to improve in Slovenia, we were finally able to do some travelling. It was weird that we…
Chapter 4: The end of Lockdown
Dobrodošli to a new and very belated chapter!
Ilse and I both spend a relaxed month with our families over Christmas. While we were gone, we didn't miss…
Počitniškega varstva med zimskimi počitnicami ne bo. Vse otroke in mlade pa vabimo, da se pridružijo počitniškim aktivnostim, ki jih bodo pripravili naši prostovoljci Charlotte, Ilse in Matjaž.
Aktivnosti bodo potekale prek spleta (Zoom) na Predhodna prijava…