Med poletnimi počitnicami smo s skupino mladih en teden preživeli v Franciji na mladinski izmenjavi Self and Earth care. Izmenjave so se udeležili mladi stari od 15 do 18 let. Spoznali so vrstnike iz Francije…
31. 7. 2022 - 7. 8. 2022
Mladinska izmenjava, Looking for the Rhythm of diversity, je potekala v Hamburgu v času poletnih počitnic. Mladi, stari od 14 do 18 let, so sodelovali v treh…
Hello, welcome back! My plans this weekend take me across the Slovenian border to Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. My first trip alone. Well, at least the journey I have to survive alone, because as…
February 2024
Finally, it’s time to tell you more about this month. February is usually not a good month for me, it’s the end of winter, everything is grey, cold, and kind of depressing. But…
Hello hello!
Time to tell you a bit more about my fourth month in Slovenia!
January was a bit slow for me. First, coming back from Belgium was more complicated than I thought as…
Hello lovely people and welcome to my last blog of the fall-winter series. In this part it goes more and more up to Christmas, over Christmas and into the wintry January. So, the on-arrival training…
Hello and welcome to part two of my fall-winter-blog! We should be around 31th of October now. One month since I arrived in Slovenia. Reason for me and Emilie to celebrate our first monthly volunteering…
Welcome dear reader. I always dreamed of going a year abroad after finishing school and now I can’t believe I'm actually here writing to you. Who would have thought that I would end up in…
December 2023
Already last month of 2023 and my third month in Slovenia.
I really enjoyed it, maybe because of the Christmas time. I spent a lot of time simply admiring the Christmas lights,…