We are in the beginning of May and I have come back to work after 15 days in which I had my Mid-term and a hiking trip in Velebit and Paklenica. When I came to…
Potrebuješ pomoč pri učenju?
Oglasi se v EPI-ju ali pa nas pokliči in dogovorili se bomo za termin. Učna pomoč poteka 1x tedensko in je brezplačna.
Urnik dejavnosti EPI centra 2023/24
V tem šolskem letu poleg varnega prostora za preživljanje prostega časa v Mladinskem EPI centru Piran otrokom in mladostnikom ponujamo tudi nekaj organiziranih dejavnosti. . Več informacij …
Mladinski EPI center je namenjen otrokom in mladim, ki si želijo popestriti svoj prosti čas. Pri nas se vedno kaj dogaja. Klepetamo, ustvarjamo, učimo se, brskamo za informacijami, iščemo odgovore na različna vprašanja in še in še. Imamo se preprosto lepo. Te zanima? Pridi in poglej. Dobimo se v EPI-ju!
The month of March has been very intense emotionally. Every time I start with a new post on the blog, I write down all the things that happened during the month. This time, after reading…
Before starting
to write this post, I realised that I have failed in some goals that I made.
It’s not a question of life and death, and I don’t really care that much, but
what is a story…
E' stato
tutto cosi' veloce. Non riesco a capacitarmi di questa, e' passato gia' un anno
ed io sono ancora qua a domandarmi perche' me ne debba gia' andare.
Non ho
trovato una vera e propria ragione,…
I don’t know if I told you, but I have in mind
to write one post per month in the blog. December was my third month in
Slovenia, but I was enjoying my holidays at the beginning…
I’m looking at the calendar and it’s already
December. My first impression is that I have the feeling that the time passes
very fast, but thinking about what I have done last month makes me forget this
Well, well,
well… Here it comes! My first post in this blog 😊
everybody! My name is Ana and I’m from a small city in the southest part of
Spain (I could even say I’m almost…
Blog 6 mesi.
Stranamente oggi piove. Ho sognato questa pioggia per tutta l’estate ma non si e’ mai fatta vedere. Faccio fatica a scrivere con questa tastiera, non ci sono le lettere…
We are looking for young people aged 12 to 18 from all over the world that want to participate in a penpal project with young people from our youth center.
If you are interested send…