December 2023
Already last month of 2023 and my third month in Slovenia.
I really enjoyed it, maybe because of the Christmas time. I spent a lot of time simply admiring the Christmas lights,…
Potrebuješ pomoč pri učenju?
Oglasi se v EPI-ju ali pa nas pokliči in dogovorili se bomo za termin. Učna pomoč poteka 1x tedensko in je brezplačna.
Urnik dejavnosti EPI centra 2023/24
V tem šolskem letu poleg varnega prostora za preživljanje prostega časa v Mladinskem EPI centru Piran otrokom in mladostnikom ponujamo tudi nekaj organiziranih dejavnosti. . Več informacij …
Mladinski EPI center je namenjen otrokom in mladim, ki si želijo popestriti svoj prosti čas. Pri nas se vedno kaj dogaja. Klepetamo, ustvarjamo, učimo se, brskamo za informacijami, iščemo odgovore na različna vprašanja in še in še. Imamo se preprosto lepo. Te zanima? Pridi in poglej. Dobimo se v EPI-ju!
November 2023
Already two months here in Slovenia! In a way, time flies.
November was again about getting used to work in EPI, learning to know the kids, and adapting to this new…
October 2023
Hi! Dober dan! Bonjour!
I’m Emilie, 18, from Belgium and I’m the new volunteer of EPI. It’s kind of crazy to start writing those blogs because I still remembered when I was reading…
At the moment I'm writing those words, it's the 3rd of October 2023. One year ago I was arriving in Lucija and meeting Martina, Alberto and then Clara.
I'm writing my last post today as…
V tem šolskem letu poleg varnega prostora za preživljanje prostega časa v Mladinskem EPI centru Piran otrokom in mladostnikom ponujamo tudi nekaj organiziranih dejavnosti.
EPI center Piran: - Ustvarjanje s Puranom: torek, od…
V avgustu smo mladi iz Mladinskega EPI centra Piran organizirali mladinsko izmenjavo v Celju, ki so se je poleg nas udeležili mladi iz Španije in Litve. Izmenjava je temeljila na preučevanju podobnosti in stičnih točk…
How can I describe my last months as a happy ESC volunteer in Slovenia? Yes, yes, it's true. I should have written one post per month, but I didn't have the energy to stop…
Helloo my dearest readers!
It's the first time I start writing my post that early. The responsibles of this are Barbara and Anka. Barbara because she is an artist and she has made…
Chapter 2 – September to mid-March
Ok, I’ll start by saying, maybe I should do these more often because right now I have A LOT to say. I think I left off after my on-arrival…